
Saturday, May 3, 2014

{Lavender Gray} 5k Giveaway!!!!

  Welcome to my 5k giveaway!!!  This giveaway is filled with so many talented vendors and photographers from the on-line world.  Each business has donated to bring you one AMAZING giveaway!!  Please take a minute to stop by and thank them on their pages when you have a chance, for their generosity.  One of my favorite parts about owning and operating my own business has been the opportunity to meet so many new and wonderful people.  Take Brienne, of Brienne Kristen Photography, for example.  Back in the Fall, she came to me looking for a blingy tieback and next thing I know she's my new BFF. We chat on the phone (almost) every day and use each other as a sounding board to bounce ideas off of.  Brienne is a wonderful person and has been such a tremendous support during a lot of the transitions {Lavender Gray} has gone through in the last 4 months.
  A couple other ladies who are wonderful, kind, and uplifting are my vendor friends, Norma from Couture Phantasies, Sonia from milkmoney, Andrea from Emma Ruth Designs, & Ashlee from Mama Knits.  These girls are so enjoyable to work with, hands down!  Not only are they FUN, but they are supportive and always know just the thing to say to bring a smile on a cloudy day. XOXOX ladies!
  Now, onto the FUN STUFF, you want to find out how you can WIN $1000 giftcard/camera lens/camera bag grand prize, right??  Well just keep reading then!  We also have 5 runner up prizes including a $300 shop credit to My Four Hens Photography, $75 paypal cash, a $100 shop credit to Summerana, a $35 shop credit to Jessica Drossin Textures, and a gorgeous wispy wrap from lilian.grace
  And if that's not enough, check out all the amazing and talented vendors and photographers sponsoring this giveaway just for YOU.

Sarah from My Four Hens Photography is the sweetest lady around and has recently welcomed a new little one into her life.  Congratulations to her!!!
She has graciously donated a $300 shopping spree!!!
(can we say O.M.G.?!?!?!)
Find her on Facebook and definitely subscribe to her hip newsletter HERE
And definitely go peek in her SHOP, if for no other reason than to just drooool
Use "Spring" at checkout to get 50% off all actions!!
Jessica Drossin has graciously donated a $35 shop credit as a runner-up prize
You can find her gorgeous textures and more HERE

Summerana has graciously donated a $100 shop credit as a runner-up prize
You can shop her actions and more HERE
Follow Summerana on PINTEREST and GOOGLE +

Amanda from lilian.grace has graciously donated a wispy wrap as a runner-up prize
Amanda is also the talent behind {amanda buecheler photography}
Check out Amanda's amazing photography skills HERE

Browse her shop HERE

Shop her Etsy HERE

Shop her Etsy HERE

Shop her Etsy HERE
& follow her on Google +

Stalk her Blog HERE
Follow her on Google +

Shop her Etsy HERE
Follow her on Google+

Shop her Etsy HERE
Follow her on Google +

Shop her Etsy HERE

Stalk her Blog/Website HERE

Stalk her Blog/website HERE

Browse her Zenfolio HERE

Shop her BigCartel HERE

Shop their online store HERE
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Shop her Etsy HERE

Shop her Etsy HERE
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Shop her online store HERE
Follow her on Google +

Shop her Etsy HERE

Shop her Etsy HERE

Shop her Etsy HERE

Shop her Etsy HERE
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Shop her Etsy HERE
& Follow her on TWITTER

Shop her Etsy HERE
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Shop her Etsy HERE
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Shop her Etsy HERE
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Shop her Etsy HERE
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Shop her Etsy HERE
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Stalk her Pinterest
Sign up for her super hip newsletter HERE

Shop her Etsy HERE

Shop her Etsy HERE

Shop her Etsy HERE
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Shop her Etsy HERE
Follow her on Google+

Shop her Etsy HERE
Follow her on Google+

I think that about covers it!!!  So hurry up and enter NOW (scroll down like 4 more lines!!!) to win a $1000 grandprize giftcard/camera lens/camera bag or one of the 3 runner-up prizes; $75 paypal cash, $100 shop credit to Summerana, $35 shop credit to Jessica Drossin Textures, or a wispy wrap from lilian.grace.

And don't miss out on the 10% off going on in my shop, plus you'll receive a free tieback with EVERY purchase!! Shop NOW and check out with "LavenderGrayGIVEAWAY"
Thanks for everything friends & fans, you're the bestest of the best!

{Lavender Gray}

a Rafflecopter giveaway