<-- me & baby gray at 20 weeks
I am still working on a few more orders from the black friday-christmas sales. I can only knit/crochet so much at a time (my fingers do get tired, lol), and I am working as quickly as I can to fulfill the rest of those orders. I did reopen my shop and hold a mini-update last night. The shop is still open and I have some delicious new pretties available. They have been selling fast, and some are already sold out...you can find all the new Lavender Gray goodies here.
Over the past few months I have had the opportunity to get to know the amazing and talented woman behind Nicole McDaniel Photography. Located in Colorado and serving the Denver and Colorado Springs area, she is definitely someone I am excited to meet in person. Not only are her images simply beautiful, but she is wonderful and kind as well.
This is one of my very first dainty suri tiebacks. Nicole blew me away several months back with this gorgeous image...the rolls!!! This little sweet pea is squishy adorable perfection. I now offer 4 different varieties and they are all fully stocked in the shop for the rest of the week.
I don't often jump headfirst into the organic earthy look, but sometimes I can't help myself. And seeing this image from Nicole with my organic Mossy Grove tieback makes me so glad I did! I'm going to continue to grow the organic collection and I will have some more organic earthy goodness for you soon!
I have to admit, my fingers may get tired from working with yarn too many hours in a day, but this incredibly perfect picture of my all new suri Nicole lace bonnet made the endless hours spent pattern writing worth it. All of my bonnet designs are 100% created by me. Pattern writing takes a lot of time and energy which is why I am slow to produce new bonnet styles - I want my work to be truly unique - and completely my own. Not only is this bonnet created with a unique lace pattern, but the yarn is squishy heaven. Gently brushed fair trade suri alpaca silk fiber. I love working with this yarn. And that adorable little bunny can be found here.
This pretty little lady from Nicole McDaniel Photography is brandishing my Petunia tieback. Peachy pink goodness and I don't have very many in stock right now. I hand dye most of my own silk chiffon for tiebacks and I have been going through a little silk chiffon shortage. I know many of you are waiting on pins and needles for more silk chiffon wraps to come back into the shop. I am working on a new supplier, I had issues with my last two suppliers and I refuse to sell "junk" products, so trust me - as soon as I try out this new silk chiffon that I am waiting on - I will let you know how quickly it comes back into the shop. I miss dyeing silk chiffon wraps and watching them blow around in the hot Nevada breeze.
This little guy in my all new Parker alpaca bonnet is 5 lbs of cuteness. He is so perfect and little and I can't help but want to snuggle him right up! You see, I have this horrible family history of big babies with big fat heads. My first one was born at a whopping 10 lbs - and she hasn't slowed down one bit and is the tallest kid in her first grade class. And my second was 3.5 weeks before his due date and he was still 8.5 lbs. Not quite the little stinker I was hoping for? Here's hoping baby gray comes out closer to 8 than 10. I know all of you amazing newborn photographers love the big fat squishy babies....it's the back rolls that you love. lol, but they aren't so easy to carry around inside during the last month just so you know! Bless her heart - Nicole McDaniel Photography completely surprised me with a newborn photography session during her December giveaway and she will be hopping on a plane in May to come see all 5 of us when baby gray makes his/her arrival. We are having a planned c-section (my 3rd cesarean), and I am impatiently waiting to set a surgery date. I am excited to meet this new little person. I also can't wait to meet Nicole! In a few weeks I will be flying out to Denver, Colorado to meet Nicole. She is hosting the maternity workshop for Alli of Glow Portraits and I am over the moon to be showing off my fat belly as one of their workshop models. They don't know it yet, but I'm working up an amazing pile of prop swag to shower them with for their wonderful kindness in welcoming me out to Colorado. I truly love to spoil my friends and loyal clients, it brings such happiness to my heart! If you've missed my mini monthly giveaways on Facebook - I give away one $50 prop swag bag (stuffed full!) each month to one fan. To get entered all you have to do is email an image of your Lavender Gray prop product in use to lavendergraydesigns@gmail.com. Each unique image counts as one entry, so feel free to send as many pictures as you like!
Whew!!! I think I managed to get out every little thought that was going through my mind. Being pregnant and already a mother to two wild and crazy children I honestly admit to being crazy and forgetting things on a regular basis. It's a continuous work in progress over here hehe. Thank you so much for reading and being fantastic friends, family, & fans! Have a wonderful evening!
{Lavender Gray}